Veřejná přednáška ARCHIP: Randle Robinson Bitnar – Writing for Architects – Effective Communication of Design Professionals

Srdečně vás zveme na veřejnou přednášku vedenou v angličtině, která se koná ve čtvrtek 5. ledna 2012, v 18 hodin v prostorách vysoké školy architektury Architectural Institute in Prague ARCHIP, Veletržní palác, Dukelských hrdinů 47, Praha 7. Na téma "Writing for Architects – Effective Communication of Design Professionals" vystoupí Randle Robinson Bitnar (USA).
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Klára Doleželová


Randle Robinson Bitnar combines marketing savvy with a passion for fine writing. With skills acquired from a career in publishing and over fifteen years in the writing /communications field, Randle successfully translates complex information into clear, compelling prose and insures that the message gets across free of error. Though she believes that the principles of strong writing are consistent across disciplines, she concentrates on bringing clarity and precision to the medical, human resource and architectural fields where accuracy of communication is especially critical.
Randle has an MBA from Columbia University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Queens University of Charlotte. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association.
Human Resources
Medical Communications
Architecture Communications


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